About Us
As a leading consulting and services company Elite Offshore Services provides a complete range of solutions to offshore operations such as maintenance and support vessels and to the gas/oil rigs they service related to Cleaning & Hygiene, Pest Control, Management & Maintenance of water systems, Legionella Control and Protocols & Plans.
We understand the complex nature of offshore operations and the importance of protecting the health, safety and welfare of people at work on offshore facilities including oil/gas rigs and maintenance and support vessels and to safeguard others, surroundings and supplies in such a demanding environment.
Our objetive is to prevent, control and minimise the significative and potential operational impact that problems in these areas can cause to offshore installations including support logistics vessels, rigs and platforms.
Our specialist fast-response team is accredited for offshore working and can be on-site anywhere in the world in 72 hours.

Elite Servicios Integrados, S.L. was born in 1975, initially focused on the provision of pest control services for individuals, companies and public administration, which today has evolved towards a multi-service concept in the field of environmental health and safety for the offshore industry operations.
Our growth in recent years has placed it as a benchmark on a national level, acting as a collaborating partner of important entities and organisations in sectors such as the food industry, hotel and catering, public administration, telecommunications, financial institutions and a broad national business spectrum.

Since its founding, Elite Servicios Integrados, S.L. has developed a series of sustainable values in time:
- Specialisation in the provision of services.
- Innovation and process development.
- Continuous evaluation of client satisfaction.
- Structure flexibility.
- Anticipation, development and incorporation of new services to cover customers necessities.
Our excellence is the fast, effective and comprehensive manner in which we work in order to exceed expectations with respect to environment conditions and safety and customer satisfaction.

``We cannot change the human condition but we can change the conditions under which humans work``
Reason J. BMJ 2000; 320:768-770

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Elite Offshore Services